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An integral part of the Hawaiian culture is Mālama, which means to care for, protect, or maintain.

Here at Jack Harter Helicopters we understand the importance of working with and giving back to our amazing community here on Kaua’i. We make a great effort to provide volunteer services in any way we can.

For years, we have had an ongoing partnership with the Surfrider Foundation to periodically lift tons of ocean debris from remote Kauai beaches. This foundation strives to protect our fragile ecosystems here on Kauai and we couldn’t be more proud to donate our services to assist their efforts.

Using our MD 500 and an external water bucket, we assisted the Kauai Fire Department with putting out a brushfire on the South side of Kaua’i.

If you or your organization needs helicopter assistance please do not hesitate to reach out. We are always happy to help.

As a visitor, we also encourage you to give back to the community.
Check out these links for some great volunteer opportunities.

Surfrider Foundation
Volunteer Kaua’i – Facebook Page
Kauai Food Bank
Kaua’i Humane Society
Kōkeʻe State Park